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TEL:+49 15908476791 TEL:+86 13382246779 TEL:18018303926(WeChat) TEL:0086-510-85522050 Email:gy@wuxiruiyilight.de(English.German) Email:ruiyizhaoming@sina.com Add:No. 27, Luou Road, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City P.C.:214161




Double end double needle ultraviolet sterilizing lamp


Product features:


Hot cathode electrode, preheating start; The average life span is 8000 hours; Can use the same specification of fluorescent lamp bracket and lamp holder; According to customer needs to use different glass pipe diameter and lamp cap; Ceramic lamp holder, oxidation resistance, radiation resistance.




Used in disinfection cabinet, microwave oven, air conditioning and other home appliances. Disinfection of air and surfaces in hospitals, schools, hotels, homes and offices.



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